DOSTI Group during COVID-19 – click here to read more…
DOSTI group is targeted at older women from the community who are isolated due to lack of language skills and cultural norms.
Over the years we have seen the group grow from strength to strength with young cares accessing DOSTI group. Many of them just want some respite time which they get through this programme. Whilst the elders are engaging with their peers, young carers get involved in other activities such as card making, painting or simply just talking to others in same situation.
Through DOSTI group we provide health sessions delivered by professionals in the community in home languages, language development through basic English classes.
Creating and developing a group that they can call their own; accessing peer support has given many of the women a new lease of life.
DOSTI’s group runs a drop-in session once a week, providing a safe and trusted environment where women from all backgrounds can come and meet like-minded people.
DOSTI group was setup in 2012 as an informal group, led by volunteers. The group met every week over a cup of tea and biscuits.
Through building trust women will be able to share their concerns and anxieties, accessing support from their peers in the community.
Simply sharing their anxieties removes some of their loneliness. Finding out that they are other people with similar issues, helps to reduce their own anxieties, giving them opportunity to meet like-minded people.
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